How old before you see spurrs? (Pictures added)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
Crawfordsville, Indiana
I looked at my 5 week old Silver Wyandant tonite and I swear I see the start of spurrs on her/him...I was sure this was a hen...Not happy...
Don't panic. All chicks, pullets and cockerels, have small spur buds. They will develop into spurs in the roosters, and even a small percentage of hens develop spurs.
Our Golden Sex Link is 5 weeks, and is just starting to get spur buds. I have read in multiple places though that hens can get some spurs as well so I wouldn't rule out her still being a her just yet!
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OK I got some pictures maybe someone can tell by her head, hope so.. She's a Silver laced Wyandant and I think she is almost 6 weeks old...Please tell me it's a she, the comb on the top of her head is flat and wide, I think they call it a rose comb.


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