How old should chicks be before transferring to the coop

There is no "One, Right, Way." There are thousands of wrong ways. Its complicated, and everything is a tradeoff.

Can't agree more! I have learned that there are always Why and Why Not behind any decision. The world is changing, and we are changing, too. Knowledge, Capability and Willingness would result in different scenarios. Personally, I prefer to learn and create experiences like a journey instead of a pre-defined trip with schedules. I am happy to start my flock, find BYC, continue my learning and living with chickens.
When they are fully feathered, I do the side by side thing for a while. Then I start letting them explore the run with the hens under my supervision. I provide a place for them to go under or behind to get away from the big girls if they need to. I don't have a predetermined age in mind. They are probably 2 months old when they spend their first night on the roost with the others.
We have 16 chicks that are one month old. We have been letting them outside in a separate pen every day. I had no idea when to transfer them to the chicken coop. Especially when there are three hens from the last batch. I can’t remember how they were before putting them in their house. These new chicks were purchased from a hatchery and are healthy and rambunctious little stinkers. If they were born to a hand that was free ranging, I would be following their mom around everywhere by now. Thank you, Cly
I put a wire (like fence) in the run to separate the young ones from the big ones until they get used to one another, and to intermingle their bacteria. One got over the top into the area with the adults on the first day, and they pecked her head so bad, she was scalped. She’s grown, now, but is bald in that one area bc the feathers can’t grow. I keep them separated until the littles are ready to start going outside with the bigs. They’re usually fine by then. I got my littles in March when the bigs turned a year, and they’ve been together since June or July. Everyone is laying now, and are one big flock.
I would do a see but no touch set up. I raise my chicks in the big coop and set them up in the run at around 2-3 weeks (depending on the weather) they get fully integrated by 4 weeks. I currently have 5 week old with my bigger lying hens. Make sure you have more than enough run space. It will make integration easier.

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