How old until the baby chicks meet the flock?


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
I hatched out 7 chicks. They are going on 5 weeks and I was wondering when I can turn them out with my other birds.
The chicks are living in the barn in a 6 by 10 foot dog pen.
The main flock are next door in there coop/run. I have 12 hens and a rooster. They get turned out every morning.
Any ideas?
I'd say when they're fully feathered.

Could U post some pics of them?
I would allow them to free range at the same time, but I wouldn't put them all in the same coop/run just yet. The full grown ones can really hurt the younger ones.....I'd wait until they were all the same size before I put them all together full time. If they free range together, then they can get used to seeing eachother before you combine them.
I agree with chicmom, I don't introduce young birds to the flock until their almost full grown, usually around 14 weeks. Besides being concerned about them being big enough to fend for themselves, you need to consider their food. Young hens need starter food that is low in calcium to avoid kidney problems until they near laying age. If you put both starter and layer feed in the pen, the older ones will eat the 'baby' food (and not get enough calcium) and the young birds will eat the adult food that is inappropriate for them.

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