How to build hen flock without overcrowding hen house


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 3, 2012
Campbell River
This might me a dumb question, however, I am brand new to chickens and still learning
i would like about 20 hens.... And a few roos. Seeing how chicks are generally half Roos and half hens, that means that I would need to get about 40 chicks. I am going to build a henhouse that is 90+ sq ft (4sq ft per bird). I am curious if I should be concerned about overcrowding while I am letting my birds age enough in order to take the extra roos for the table/freezer. I want to be able to eat the extra Roos but want them big enough first. Any explanations and advice is very appreciated
Just curious, are you not able to get chicks that are sexed? Maybe I'm not getting you intentions. If you want 20 hens you can easily get all hens, and any roosters you want.
You'll need a place to keep the roosters separate from the hens, if you are growing them out for eating. A bachelor pen.
As Baymen Moe said, you don't have to order straight run, though
Ok thanks! I can only get straight run/unsexed from the breeders around here. (Vancouver island, western BC, Canada). If I make a bachelor pen, would it need shelter too? I'd like to avoid having to build a second coop. Hmmmmmmmm tricky, tricky!
I didn't want a second coop either. I ended out stapling some fencing over the front of my carport. It has a back door I can get in, and a dirt floor.
it's not terribly predator proof, but I was able to keep the roosters in there for a few months without issue. Maybe you could build a small hoop house-like structure that would double as a chicken tractor later, or some other kind of temporary pen.
Good luck!

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