How to buy good marans? "Kelly Cratty" Marans?


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
There is someone selling Marans chicks on craiglist, as "Kelly Cratty Cuckoo Marans ".
I don't plan on showing or breeding myself, but I do want to support breeders that are improving their breeds.

Is the "Kelly Cratty" line something to desire?

What can I do to ensure I am buying quality marans?
Hey Josie,

From what I've heard, Kelly Cratty's line is great! You should email Angi H. from CA Chickens if you are a member over there. She's bringing me a pullet from her K. C. pen and I believe she's got some chicks that she'll be selling at Fresno.

As for buying Quality Marans, look for well know breeders. Bev Davis has awesome Marans. If you buy from hatcheries, odds are the egg color wont be the best, and I've heard that Ideal sells Marans crossed with BRs. Im a novice with Marans, and Im just going by what I've read and heard. Oh, and Gina! I believe her SN is Ginasmarans. She's got nice Cuckoos, but I think she only sells hatching eggs. Good Luck!

FORGOT TO ADD: Just because they are being sold as Cratty Marans does NOT mean they are. Sometimes people that are just lookin for money will buy hatchery birds, find a well known breeder name, and sell their birds as that breeders birds. Its terrible, but it something that happens alot. I've heard it happening with Hattrick Silkies a lot, I believe. Make sure you ask for pics of the birds, and the eggs, and if possible, as to see the eggs in person if you meet with them. It would be terrible to get home and find out you got some BR X Marans mixes from a hatchery or somethin!
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Angie H is who posted the craiglist ad.
So can you vouch for her?

Well then I'd say go for it,lol. I've never purchased birds from her, but she did bring me some Wildlife Warrior Wristbands at the Stockton show. We are both major Steve Irwin fans.
I can say she's a really nice lady, and I wouldnt hesitate one second if you were going to purchase from her. Good Luck!
Do it....

I wouldn't hesitate, that is a good line of Marans and I have also heard good things about Angi. My birds are from Kelly Cratty and Bill Braden lines, and I've been really happy with them. I have an order of eggs coming directly from Bill here shortly--I'm so excited!!
Bear in mind eggs/chicks are only as good as the actual breeder. Just because eggs or birds have been bought from a particular person, it doesn't mean that they or all of their offspring will be good quality birds. Good breeders will have many culls each year and it is an ongoing process improving a flock. If this is not done, in a couple of generations the birds will be no better than hatchery stock. Buying eggs with particular bloodlines is risky if you don't buy them directly from the original breeder. They may be the product of culls, the new owner may have hatched eggs they bought from the breeder and allowed all of the chicks to breed, or they might not be from that breeder at all.
Very good sugestions! My original stock were hatchery birds and I am on the 3rd generation of hatching and culling. Mine are laying nice eggs on the whole,but 2 hens lay a lighter egg than I like,so I will not be using them for breeding. These hens were hatched from dark eggs,so genetics somewhere took over. I'm getting eggs from Angie next week in order to continue improving my flock. I plan to cull until I have about 15 good hens. Don't forget the roosters. You have to pick good roosters,too. That's not so easy.

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