how to convince my mom that we need more chicks?


11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
La Puente, CA
Right now we have four chicks. The two that we thought were EEs, I'm 80% sure that they are something else entirely. One I think is a gold laced wyandotte, her comb looks different than the rest, its sort of flattish looking, while the other three have single combs. The other one I've figured out could be one of several different breeds, so I'm going to give up guessing for awhile until she grows up a bit. Either way, they aren't going to lay green eggs, which was one of the main reasons we got them in the first place.
I was talking to my mom about this, and brought out my laptop so she could see pictures of what I think the two might be. Then we started talking, and I showed her, where you can get small shipments of chicks, and we'd get what we want, without having to guess out of the bin at the feed store. I showed her pictures of maran eggs, because I think they are stunning, and she agrees. We also like the white plymouth rocks because they are white, but lay brown eggs (neither of us care for white eggs, if we wanted those, we'd just buy them at the grocery store).
So I almost had her sold on placing an order from them (even though the marans aren't available until may. that gives us time to build a bigger coop, lol), but she decided that four is enough. She's still dissappointed about not having any green egg layers, though. Any suggestions on how I can convince her that adding a few more isn't a big deal, and that it will be worth it in the long run?
Well how big is the coop you have now? Do the math and see how many sq feet per chicken they have. If you have the room for a couple more you would not be spending much more to feed them. To build a new coop is a bigger cost.
You could talk to her about getting more chickens, focusing on those absolutely, wonderfully delicious FRESH eggs. Like was said before, as long as your coop is big enough for them to fit in comfortably, it shouldn't be a big ordeal to add a few more.
I used to tell my mom that they were free, as long as I didnt have to pay for them she would say, well I guess you can have em, then I would sneak money to or make payment arrangements to whoever I was getting whatever from. She did catch on after awhile, but as long as I kept the coops clean and paid for the feed with my own money she didnt say awhole lot on what I got or how many birds I had. I had a great mom. Then were the good ol days.........ed........Portland, IN..........
right now the coop we have is small, its just until we can get something better built. I'm trying to convince my brother in law to build us a coop for my mom's birthday present (or at least, convince my sister to make him do it, she controls things, lol).
I've been showing her different coop plans and ideas, and she has seen a few that she really likes. I'm going to keep showing my mom pictures of hens, coops, and eggs, and do some chores around the house, and see if I can't convince her. We wouldn't be able to get the marans until may, anyways, so that gives us time to get a bigger coop built, especially since the chicks we have now are still in the brooder.
If you dont mind me asking, how old are you and are you boy or girl? If you didnt live so far away I would help you out with building/getting a bigger coop. Are you wanting birds, chicks or eggs? Im just wondering. I hope your mom allows you to add on and get more birds........ed...........Portland, IN........
lol, I'm 19, and a girl. I would love to hatch eggs, but I absolutely can not have any roos (zoning issues), and would hate to have to give up any that I hatched myself, so my only option really is to get pullets, or hens (but chicks are so much cuter, lol).
1. They followed me home.

2.I accidentally spilled water on them and they multiplied. (Don't feed them after midnight)

3. Get some that look the same as yours and say you put a mirror in there.

4. "The chickens you have threw a party and invited their friends, it would be rude not to feed their guests."

5. Cloning, ooops.

6. "No mom, we got 6 chicks, not 4. Do you need to see a Dr.?"
Eat more eggs.
Eat all the eggs in the house. Every time your mother brings in more eggs, eat'em in a hurry.
It will help convince her. Tell her to think of all the money she will be saving.

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