How to sex Call ducklings?

Very cute ducks! Your big duckling looks like maybe a Magpie or Magpie cross. Hard to say what gender they are by just looking at them at that age but you should definitely be able to tell by their voices. Did they make any noise when you picked them up? That is always the easiest way for me to tell at that age. Girls will make the loud quack and the boys will be much quieter. If there are any boys they look like they may be a little young to have the curly drake feather on their tails just yet. If any do end up getting the curly tail feather though then you definitely know you have a boy.
Angel is definitately the loudest, Taffy is much quieter. Inky is hard to tell. Sometimes he is loud, other times he's super quiet? They drakes will get curly tail feathers, is that correct? That is alot easier than trying to look at pictures, huh?


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