how to tell sex on day olds??


10 Years
Oct 5, 2009
Las Vegas
i read somewhere that you can look at their ent area and get a good guess... one looks kinda smoth and one will look like a little pimple.... anyone else read this and remeber which is which??

i've got 5/6 hatched right now and i thought it might be fun to take a look when i pull them out of the bator and see if i can guess....
granted, they all look the same right now... iding htem after i guess will be the fun part.. lol...
I got a straight run gold lace cochin bantam and 2 silkies. we were told to put them in the palm of your hand and turn them carefully on their backs in the palm of your hand. the pullets will draw their legs up and the roos will stretch out one or both legs. I had 100% success. the cochin was a female and I got one each with the silkies. old wives tale??!? perhaps but I will never get straight run again with out flippin them over....
You could vent sex them, if you could get someone to teach you how. Sexlinks are sexable at hatch by different colors on male and female. Most barred breeds are also sexable at hatch to about 90% certainty by several traits, too. Most are not sexable at hatch without knowing how to vent sex them (must be done before they eat and after you evacuate the bowel).
All the old wives tales about behaviors to determine sex are just that, old wives tales and not in the least reliable.
Just guess pullet and you will be right 50% of the time.
Seeing all the little baby chicks was cool, though i felt bad that they were just been tossed around by the machines. I'd never heard of sexing by the length of the wing feathers at birth.
if i had a way of telling them apart i would try the flip them over just to see... not taking it as set in stone.. just a fun project... but these all look ssoo much alike... and i refuse to graph their spots...
Wives tail or not, I have noticed a real difference when turning chicks over on their backs. The pullets react completely different to the Roo's i've hatched! Even more so once they reach about a week to 10 days

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