how to train the chicks to move up into the roost at night?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 24, 2014
My chicks were born 2/27 so they are about 6 weeks old now. We are trying to get them out in the coop at night permanently. We have had a few false starts because its been too cold, but this week's forecast looks fine.

I put the heat lamp in the upstairs of the roost and some of the chickens have managed to make it up there on their own, but during the day.

So last night we went out about 10PM to see if they had made it upstairs for the night and all six were huddled against the door on the ground trying to stay warm.

So, how do you train them to get them to figure out they should go upstairs for the evening?

We brought them back inside the house last night, but I'm going to try and convince my wife they need to "grow up" and move out..
Its different for all babies. Some you'll have to pick up and put in there nightly until they learn. Some you can "tease" up there with treats. Others you can restrict food for a few hours and put up where they're going... They'll get to it because they're ravenous.
Its different for all babies. Some you'll have to pick up and put in there nightly until they learn. Some you can "tease" up there with treats. Others you can restrict food for a few hours and put up where they're going... They'll get to it because they're ravenous.
ok, thanks.

We put them up there one night last week, and they stayed all night. I'll put some scratch up there and on the steps and see if that helps.

As I said in another post, I put mine on the roost for about 5 nights before they understood what was going on. But only after it's too dark for them to do anything else but sit. Worked for anyway.
I've raised a bunch of chicks, and I have never done anything to make them get on the roost. They ALWAYS go up there, when THEY want to. When they are little, they sleep in a pile. That's just what they do. Then, one day, a pullet or two will hop up there. Then the others see them, and think it's a good idea. I'd think it would be more stressful to them, to have somebody grab them in the dark and put them up someplace they don't want to go. Just leave them be, they'll go up there eventually.
I've raised a bunch of chicks, and I have never done anything to make them get on the roost.  They ALWAYS go up there, when THEY want to.  When they are little, they sleep in a pile. That's just what they do.  Then, one day, a pullet or two will hop up there.  Then the others see them, and think it's a good idea.  I'd think it would be more stressful to them, to have somebody grab them in the dark and put them up someplace they don't want to go.  Just leave them be, they'll go up there eventually.

It kinda amazes me that people don't put a practice perch in the brooder with the chicks. In my grow out tractor that I use a brooder coop I have a permanent roost a foot over the floor and while they are still fuzzy they have a lower mobile perch to run around on during the day. They are often on the permanent perch during the day when they are two weeks old, and sleeping on it by six.
I've raised a bunch of chicks, and I have never done anything to make them get on the roost. They ALWAYS go up there, when THEY want to. When they are little, they sleep in a pile. That's just what they do. Then, one day, a pullet or two will hop up there. Then the others see them, and think it's a good idea. I'd think it would be more stressful to them, to have somebody grab them in the dark and put them up someplace they don't want to go. Just leave them be, they'll go up there eventually.

It's kind of like toilet training your toddler. They just will when they're ready. There's no reason chicks HAVE to roost, they're warmer huddled together. Take the heat lamp out of the coop, put them in the coop and let them sleep on the floor. I can pretty much guarantee they'll start roosting sometime before they start laying eggs
I've never quite understood why people feel that chickens HAVE to roost at night. I mean, they eventually all do, but I haven't figured out why it's a big deal. I haven't seen any harm in just letting them be.

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