How to treat Keel Sore? (and Bumblefoot too)


6 Years
Aug 24, 2018
While I was treating Bumblefoot with an Epsom salt soak, amoxicillin on the scab, and Neosporn, I noticed a keel sore on my duck’s abdomen. It’s a new scab I’m sure is attributed to her bumblefoot, and is not that deep. I was thinking of putting a sock over her abdomen, is that a good idea? Also, my duck has a bumblefoot caught early and a black scab. Does anyone have a better way to treat bumblefoot and get rid of the keel sore?
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For the keel sore neosporin or triple antibiotic and nice soft bedding till she heals from the sore and foot. Poor thing that covers a large area. Veterycin spray for wounds and infection would be another for use on her keel.

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