Huge Hens


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Northeastern Michigan
I have a few of these hens and they are the size of turkeys all my standard hens are big...too big to show in the fair in fact. But these two are the biggest chickens I've ever seen. They are green, black and copper colored. What breed are they?




What kind of a roo do you have over those HUGE hens and do you sell hatching eggs?

What color are the eggs.

They look like GIANT Black Sex links.

My BSLs have been the best layers I've ever had... do they lay every day? I have some that didn't miss one day in over 3 months!
I have hens that Look exactly like those and mine are also heavy but have not weighed them. They are RIR X BCM's. They have the dark legs and most have a darkness to the face, black lined eyes. They are GREAT laying hens. My "project" birds. HenZ
They haven’t started laying eggs yet but I’m hoping they are good/great layers because they eat a lot of feed at least right now they do. But its kind of funny because my only roo right now is a modern game bantam and he is tiny (my banties are always tiny and my standard breeds are big). I think he’s a little intimidated by “his” hens because he only tries to be a rooster (if you know what I mean) with the other banty hens. He probably thinks they are Amazon warrior hens, lol.

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