Humans Biting Other Humans


11 Years
Aug 6, 2008
Spokane, WA
Did you know there are at least over 900 million bacterial specimens in less than half a teaspoon of human saliva?

I didn't know that during periods of binge drinking there is a surge in human on human bite injuries. I also didn't know that during holidays and weekends there is a surge in human bites, nor did I know that men are 12 times more likely to be bitten (by each other). (Granted this was a study done in Ireland. I don't know if the study focused, specifically, whether or not Irish men are more or less likely to bite each other than, let's say, Tibetan men.)

Naughty, naughty gentlemen: You must be more careful when nibbling on each other's ear lobes!


Seven out of ten bites occur to the face, with 65% of those bites to the ear.

Apparently, human bite wounds require prompt treatment--those who waited more than 12 hours for treatment were more likely to become infected.

I came to this one web site that said, "Animal or human bites usually need to be seen because..." which makes me think it's not necessary to go in for treatment if a species I am unable to identify as either animal or human bites me. They don't take carnivorous plants into consideration. Phew! I'm relieved.

While exact stats are unavailable, some sources report approx. 250,000 human bites per year. This is less than dog bites and half of reported cat bites.

A human bite is around 150psi.

According to one recent investigation,-study-finds:

"'Human bites have a higher complication and infection rate than do animal bites, and hepatitis B and C may be transmitted," he said.'

Take precaution! We must ban the breeding of human families who have biting in their genes!


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I don't understand. These studies are from Ireland and Australia. Do they use our stimulus package?

I posted it just for fun. It's random, I think.
Nah, it went to study very odd mating behavior found in ducks: Study on duck fascination with 'inanimate'* ducks. According to some sources that research has netted the researcher a Ig Nobel Prize in Impossible Research

Actually both research papers were done outside of US.

* by inanimate, no longer alive is implied.
So, how about a challenge, then? Who knows of the MOST outrageous study ever conducted and how much funding was donated to the research?

Be careful, it may be ironic to do research on this!

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