Humidity is 52% without any water present in the incubator.......


6 Years
Aug 22, 2013
I have bought mini Eco brinsea incubator and as advised to run it for 24 hours to maintaine the temp and the humidity. It's been nearly 4 hours sine I have run it without any water in it but still it is giving me the reading of 52% humidity . I am a bit concern is it the machine p laying up or the 2x hygrometer/thermometer are wrong?
I need help as my eggs are due to be collected in 2 days .
When I had this machine today morning I have run it with out any water and it drop humidity from 55 to 36 and then I have added 9ml of water to test it and it went up to 53% and then as I have emptied the water bit the humidity had gone down but went back to 52%.
Where am I going wrong ?
This time of year, the relative humidity is so high, I'm just going with the so called dry method. The humidity is staying well above 55% in our basement. Nothing I can do about it. No added water here.

The basement provides a steady 62F environment. No ups and no downs as it would be if I had the incubator upstairs.
I am also worried about the temperature. As the manufacture thermometer reading is about 37.5 but I also have 3 other thermometers . One of them is reading 36.5 and second one is saying 36.9 and the last one is saying between 37 - 38 .
I am confused on average it says 36.67
[/IMG]I am very excited that I have got my egg today and io have set them in the incubator with marking O and X to rotate and numbered them . I have some concern about the eggs.
I went to guy 10 eggs from a breeder and she had 12 eggs , which she gave with 2 extra (bargain) so I have 3x silkies and the rest are sable poot . When i placed the eggs in the incubator I realised that the eggs would not fit in only 10 will so I have selected the one which I thought look ok . I have read somewhere that the porous eggs are not viable , if that is the case half of mine have pointed end on the eggs pours , I can see them . Is there something to worry about it ?
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I have tried it but the dome on incubator would not sit in properly , now I have turned the eggs after 7 hours and realised that one of the eggs has a crack and the egg looks dirty . I am so worried as the 2 eggs I have out as spare are better looking than the other one in the incubator . Please find the pic attached
I am also worried about the temperature . The brineea built in thermometer which is like in the middle of the incubator , is giving the reading of 37.5 but the rest 2 thermometers are giving different reading . Could it be that the thermometer are at the bottom on the surface of the incubator ?
Pic to explains more what I meant
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