Husband said he heard crowing


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Dedham, Ma
OK So My husband said that this bird was crowing....but he has been known to play games with me. This is my favorite of my 8 birds. Can anyone tell me is it a he or a she? Also he/she is only about 2 months they crow that early?


I'm afraid I agree with KLF73, those legs are pretty thick looking, and that is one really red face for 8 weeks. Oh, and yes, sometimes they do start crowing that early, sometimes even earlier. I have one right now that started about that age.
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Yeah I think I've known it for awhile but was in denial. I'm not allowed to keep roosters without a permit and I am also not allowed to have more than 4 hens. I didn't realize this and have 8 all together so i'm afraid to try and get the permit as I will probably have to get rid of some of my hens....I just dont know what to do.
Perhaps sell him in a trio - your rooster and two of your hens (or three hens for a quad). You are more likely to find someone who wants him for a flock if you sell a trio (or quad) instead of just a rooster.

He would be gone, and you would be legal.

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