Hydrogen peroxide is a NO!!!!!


7 Years
Oct 26, 2012
Just putting this out there... Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide to ckean your animals cuts... Actually you shouldn't be using it on yourself either. It's a wonder how us as people are not informed about this by the medical system! The bubbles it creates will only push the infection and bacteria down! Flush with warm water and soap for minor wounds. If worse visit a vet.... Or your doctor if its you..
Actually this is what nurses are learning in there long schooling years. But it's your choice
Actually this is what nurses are learning in there long schooling years. But it's your choice
And this is why I and so many others have no trust for a Nurse or Doctor.

Any thing that you put on a cut could, "push the infection and bacteria down" even soap and water that is why you should put a Antiseptic on the cut.

If you think about is there's not much difference between Hydrogen Peroxide and Soap and Water,
Both are mostly water, have bubbles and a poor Antiseptics.

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geesh...... calm down...the way to treat a cut is to let it bleed briefly, that will flush out the dirt, then rinse with warm water, wash with soap, add an anitbacterial ointment and cover. keep clean and wash frequently. That goes for any animal, human or otherwise. Just common sense. Hydrogen peroxide can be used it just needs to be diluted, it can actually damage cells. I don't recall the dilution ratio though.

Of course if its a large or deep cut, or a gash, (in my opinion) it should be seen by a vet or doctor, use your own judgement of course.

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