Hypothetical Selling Older Hens in Fall?


RIP Ryder (2022) & Hammy (2019)
Sep 16, 2019
SW Georgia
I know many don’t downsize their flock by eating them, but this year I have bought many new pullets and need to downsize by Fall.

Initially I thought to just put them in the freezer. Now I figured maybe I’ll sell them so they can live longer. Whoever I don’t sell will be going to the freezer unfortunately.

I only get attached to my roosters because I’ve been knowing I wasn’t going to keep my hens past a few years.

Would people be interested in buying older hens in October just a few months (or weeks) before molting and not laying for the winter? Should I just save the hassle and put them all in the freezer when they stop laying this winter?

I figured since hens are going for $20-25. I could sell these for $15. Wouldn’t be able to do lower since I can get more eggs and meat out of them past October.

These are the hens’ ages: (also I can’t sell them now because they’re my only laying hens, the pullets I have now are still months away from laying).

My thoughts are that maybe the ones hatched in 2018 will be going to the freezer but the ones from 2019 have a chance.

Breed (amt)Hatched
Red Sex Link (3)March 2018
Australorp (2)March 2018
Olive Egger (2)March 2019
White Leghorn (4)March 2019
WL & A mix (2)August 2019
I have 3 year olds and one 7 year old who all still lay eggs dependably. I would make the effort to find good homes for your girls first.

Thank you. I’ll go with my plan of selling in the fall then and hope people will buy them in my area.

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