I’m a new chicken mama!


May 23, 2020
Utah, United States
Hi there! I’m new to raising chickens and this forum had been really helpful for the past few weeks so I figure I’ll join.

I have 12 chickens, 4 are Buff Orpingtons and they are almost 7 weeks old, and I have 3 light Brahmas, 5 lavender Orpingtons, and 1 Buff Brahma which are all two days to a week old.

So far, i’ve loved raising chickens. It’s so fun seeing them go through their growth spurt and it gives me something to do now that schools basically out. Also, chickens are very unusual pets.

I’m a high schooler in Utah, where it gets pretty cold (it snowed today, which is May 23.) My family decided to get chickens and I started taking care of them the most, so now I’m the only one that does. Which is fine by me, I love taking care of them!

I found BYC because I had no idea what to do with the chicks. I looked stuff up on google and this became where I did most of my research.

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