I am a little confused


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 13, 2008
If this is the wrong forum to post this question in, I apologize in advance.

I have been looking locally for Buff Orpingtons with no luck. In fact, the only person/place where I can get a small number of chicks is the local feed stores and when I call them to ask what they have, all I get is 'straight-run'

In my limited (but growing
) chicken knowledge, I thought straight-run meant male+female but it seems like they are referring to mixed breeds as well.

For a first-time chickener, would you recommend buying some of these 'straight-run' and then trying to locally sell or give-away the breeds/sexes I don't want to keep?

If you just want to have some chickens, I say GO GET SOME!!

Then at least you'd be having fun. But if you really want a particular breed, then getting unknown breeds may not be the right thing to do.
But I say, get chickies!
Straight run is un sexed chicks, you get both male and female. Most hatcheries let you choose different breeds of chicks. Some even offer, mixed breeds, kinda like a goody bag.
Ask your feed store if i their next order they will specify the number of the specific chicks you want. Most hatcheries will sell mixed lots of breeds/sexes as long as you meet their minimum number/$$. So if the feed store typically orders 25 straight-run mixed breed chicks, perhaps they will instead order 20 of those plus 5 of your specified breed/gender (for example).
I'm pretty sure Dunlaps hatchery in Cladwell has BO's. Also I think Mary at The Hen Connection has some - she is on Craigs list boise. Also if neither of those pan out there is a house with a really nice huge flock down the street from my house I could direct you there and maybe they would sell some.
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sonoran- they will do that but I have to pay up front (in person) which won't work. The nearest feed store is still a nice drive from my house and doing it 2x isn't very feasable.

katylester - i did call dunlaps this morning and they are one of the distributors to the feed stores here. Boise is even farther than the feed stores.

I am in the Wood River Valley if that helps anyone.

It looks like I might have to go to the store and see what I come home with! I'm thinking if they sell in this area than any breed that might be in my 'goody-bag' will do alright in this area.

..sigh..it stinks living in the middle of nowhere sometimes:)
Well, if I can help let me know. I have Black Australorps, Austra Whites, Polish and RIR's for sale. Could probably set up a delivery for you, especially if you could find someone else to buy some too.

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