I can sex your pullets and cockerels!

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All right, I have some in the flock who are definitely roosters and a couple who are definitely hens. And then I have these guys. Wide, flat combs but no "peas" or rows at all. No behavioural traits that make me say hen or roo. The other roosters have very defined combs already so I'm really not sure on these ones.
Chicken 3.jpg
chicken 4.jpg
Chicken 5.jpg
Edited to add: They were sold to me as Ameracaunas. Are they actually Easter Eggers? I have to start rehoming any roosters I can ha ha. Here is one of my more obvious roosters. View attachment 1035043
This is the only one I see with a pea comb. and looks like a cockerel. The rest look like they have rose combs.
Maybe the ones with rose combs are mixed breeds? Is that possible?

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