I candled my turkey eggs....


10 Years
Aug 14, 2009
Texas - Best Place on Earth
I candled my turkey eggs and Ive got 6 with blood vessles.. WOO HOO!!! I hope they hatch... if they hatch, then comes the guessing game to see who's the mother... I know the father is a Wild Turkey... but dont know about the mother..

both the white turkeys and the red turkey have been laying spotted eggs...

I guess if the babies come out yellow, then they are white, but if they come out red.. then there red babies..

Im curious to see what the mix will look like... Ill post pictures if the babies hatch.
OK, so this may be a completely stupid question, but I know nothing about turkeys. Do you own a wild turkey, or did your birds mate with a random wild turkey?
Please do post pics when they hatch! i am glad yours are developing I have 6 RP eggs in mine that haven't been in there long enough to tell yet!
Yep that's the problem with turkey eggs, all look identical reguardless of species, domestic heritage, bb's or wilds, all tan pinkish with dot.
Will be cool to see what you end up with when they feather up.
Also, at 4 days you can candle the eggs and tell if you have done it before. If not 7-10 days is a possitive for anyone, cant miss 'em then
Good luck, be glad when all my wilds start to lay!

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