I can't say Thank You enough!


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
The friendly and giving folks of BYC have been very kind to me. I can't tell you how good it is to meet nice people all across this big world we live in.

I would like to say thank you to Yogiman and brandi for sending me flour and ragin cajun chowchow.

I used the flour to make hoe cake and the carrot cake recipe cknmom shared with us. The flour nice to cook/bake with and the cake is delicious!!


I am saving the chowchow for the next time I cook peas!

Wooden_pony shared her beautiful harvest of meyer lemons with me and included a jar of ponagranite jelly. We peeled several of the lemons and had them like oranges. Oh, heavens are they good. I am cooking fish for supper and the lemons will be used tonight! I also plan to cook her lemon bread recipe this week!


Cockadoodlemom sent me 5 of her embden goose eggs to test for fertility. I am tickled pick! They went in the bator yesterday! Wish us luck!


Thank you all for being so kind and generous with me!
You've helped me enough, what do you need from NH? Maybe some snow? No seriously!! I think maple syrup is available just about everywhere these days, so that wouldn't do!

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