I Finally Got My Seramas Pics Coming Asap

TK Poultry

10 Years
May 25, 2009
Greencastle, Indiana
i was searching the serama thread and granted i got sleepy and quit reading (just trying to be honest) but i didnt see it mention that you can show them...but i was lurking the Hatching Egg Auctions and saw that some was selling serama eggs and said they had shown them. i might have a chance to get a trio of seramas and was wondering if i could show them at an open show.
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Do you have any pics of the trio you might get?
not yet im very excited though im still trying to iron out all fo the details so its still up in the air i was just wondering if you could show them at an APA/ABA show. then i was going to go from there
You can show them, but they are not accepted by the APA or ABA yet, so they can not get better than best of breed. If you get them, maybe you can help become part of getting them accepted.
On April 24, there will be a table top Serama show in Greenville, Ohio. The SCNA judges birds in a strut-your-stuff beauty pageant format, much different from the APA/ABA. If you are close enough, please go. It may be my first show as an exhibitor, and it should be a lot of fun!

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