I finally took the leap!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 20, 2008
Detroit, Michigan
I ordered 6 Buff Orpingtons on March 4th from Mypetchicken.com. They should be here the week of the 23rd. I went to Destiny Farm in Brighton on March 6th and couldn't resist getting two Rhode Island Reds. I named them Molly (back) and Myrtle (front).

This is very very bad. You know have 2 breeds of chicks and now there is no escaping. You are an addict you just don't know it yet. I have EE and Buckeyes and 1 lonely Old Enlish hen. I may be getting welsummer still thinking about it.
I know Chickapooh23. I have been addicted since July of last year and it didn't help finding this site in september. lol. I think I will have more by summer. See there I go.

I already have two coops that I am working on. One is a converted dog house 7'x4'x4" and a playhouse 4'x3'x5'.
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I got my BO's delivered today.I ordered 6 but got 8 healthy and active babies! I am soooo excited!!! My next breed will be Isa Browns.

This is Molly and Myrtle today.
I started with 6 in august of last year and now by the end of april i will have well over 100...it is really addicting! And TSC just got more today...darn and i have to go get feed too...
Think anyone will notice if i only pick up 10 or 20??

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