I found fresh blood in my poultry area this morning.


member 512732

I came home from work at 8am and started doing my chores. It rained last night and I saw many large and medium spots of fresh blood. WTF? I have baby chicks and ducks in one pen with hardware wire around the bottom...they are all fine. I have to larger ducks born a week before the babies and they get beat up a little from the chickens and jerk ducks but no injuries. I broke some eggs to get everyone running and no signs of blood. I was thinking maybe someone killed a colorado river toad, the poisonous ones that morons lick and ones that can kill dogs. I had a 4 pounder in the kiddie pool a few nights ago and usually during the monsoon I have them all over but never found one dead that could of had so much blood. I found a small one that got into the chick pen but apparently the lovely ducks turned it into a pancake. The red liquid looks totally like blood, I didnt give them anything red yesterday. I looked all over for a dead or injured chicken but nothing. Two of my dogs were loose but they have zero interest in the chickens and they were gated up. I checked their feet and the blood is in two areas about 15 feet apart and it is under the porch overhang so no hawks. Its the strangest thing. I couldnt find any parts of a frog or anything.

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