I found their STASH!


Sees What You Did There
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Central Arkansas
All of a sudden, a few days ago, egg production fell off abruptly. After two days of only a couple of eggs, I told Alex that I bet they'd made a nest outside somewhere, since they free-range for more hours than they're locked up each day. We looked EVERYWHERE, no luck.

Finally found them today. These silly pullets were going into the open turkey pen during the day, and laying their eggs inside the DogLoo that serves as a turkey nesting box. :eek:

Goobers. We gathered eleven eggs, and moved the doghouse into the chicken yard, promising the turkeys that we'd get them another one before they reach laying age.
hehehehe my ameraucanaee hides hers too...she covers them with shavings. Like I won't notice the big mound of shavings.
HeHe I just found six in a broken hay bale about an hour ago! I have no idea how long they have been there or what to do with them, but i am on to her now!!!
How funny
I haven't found an egg yet but I am going to feel so bad when I have to take their eggs from them
They try so hard to hide them.

well, you gotta give her credit for trying!!!

sneaky hens...they are pretty smart, aren't they! LOL
Mine are kept in a coop and enclosed run, but one day I had 3 eggs and now I have been getting 1 or 2 eggs a day. Now we had gotten 2 bown eggs but haven't in the last week. My guess is that she decided to put them somewhere else and I can't seem to find them. It isn't like they have too many places to hide them either. Guess that I will have to go search their run now as they have been laying in the dirt lately, do you suppose that they are covering them up in the dirt???
My one hen doesn't hide her eggs- but when I go into the coop to collect them she runs in there with me. As soon as I reach for the eggs, she starts pecking them as hard as she can. She is trying to break them, I think. Then she complains SO LOUDLY as I put them where she can't reach them. She doesnt mess with them as long as they are in the nest- so I don't think she wants to eat them, she just doesn't want me to have them.

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