I got Goats!


12 Years
Jan 31, 2007
I have two goats coming at the end of April! A pregnat doe and a bottle buckling! I am so excited! We are going to try milking the doe. She is experienced I am not!
But I have been reading and figure the best way to learn is to jump right in and do it. But I have a question. My cousin also has a goat she wants to sell me a boer can you milk them? Thanks
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Congrats and good luck!

All goat breeds can be milked, but not all produce enough milk for one to want to milk them. Boar goats are usually used for meat, but I know some people use their milk to make soap.
Boar goats are large and are double muscled, but they are also easy to raise, have mild temperaments, are affectionate.
The Boer goats were developed to clear land that was too difficult to be cleared by humans. They spend a lot more time grazing than other types of goats do.
I won't have pics until they are delivered. On April 26th. Oh and they two that I have definately decided to get are Nubians I was just wondering if the boers couls also be used for that. But I will try and get they pics she sent me onto my photbucket and over here.
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nice your no thinking about keeping the buck and doe toghether right? Or are you going to wheather him?

Just wondering?
He is gonna have his own pen but will be ther for breeding later. I can't ship her off every time I want to breed her so this seemed simpler?
ya sounds great I was just making sure you don't want gross urine tasting milk
I am jealousy they are beatiful nubians.

Good Luck
That little buck will come into his manhood very quickly and as such will have times when he will stink to high heaven as well as very nasty habits and mating rituals. Keep him away from the doe and the place you will be milking or his scent will taint the milk. This is no joke.

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