I got me six new Chicks they All Ameraucana


5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
They are so cute they all look like popcorn they so pretty too. I am conderied about one of the Chick it is moving it head side to side I hope it is going to be ok? is that Normal?
My New Chicks look like about 3 days old I got them from TSC yesterday
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They are so cute they all look like popcorn they so pretty too. I am conderied about one of the Chick it is moving it head side to side I hope it is going to be ok? is that Normal?

Well you haven't told us how old it is but are you giving it and probiotic in the water ??

Here try this serve them a hard boiled egg just remove the shell and mash up they should really like that and it is just great for them ...
My New Chicks are just 3 days old I go them from TSC and no I am not giving them Probiotic where do I get that?
~~My New Chicks are just 3 days old I go them from TSC and no I am not giving them Probiotic where do I get that?
Hi and welcome

You can get various chicken treatment products (including electrolytes, probiotics, vitamins, etc) at TSC or any other "farm store"

Is the movement of the chicks head slow or frantic/swinging wildly? Is the chick eating and drinking?

As you got the chicks from TSC you actually have Easter Eggers rather than Ameraucanas -- unfortunately it is common for hatcheries to sell them under the incorrect name, and the retailer just goes by what they are told, so it's a common thing to have happen. EE are a mixed breed chicken that has either Araucana or Ameraucana as part of that mix so that they *may* have the blue egg gene (they lay blue, green, brown or even pink tinted eggs)
The Chick is swinging it Head side to side but it live through the night. thank you for the help
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Hi and welcome

You can get various chicken treatment products (including electrolytes, probiotics, vitamins, etc) at TSC or any other "farm store"

Is the movement of the chicks head slow or frantic/swinging wildly? Is the chick eating and drinking?

As you got the chicks from TSC you actually have Easter Eggers rather than Ameraucanas -- unfortunately it is common for hatcheries to sell them under the incorrect name, and the retailer just goes by what they are told, so it's a common thing to have happen. EE are a mixed breed chicken that has either Araucana or Ameraucana as part of that mix so that they *may* have the blue egg gene (they lay blue, green, brown or even pink tinted eggs)

The Chick is no even Drinking water or Eating unless I Pick up the Chick and put it beak in the water. Thank you for the help
I thought they might be baby's

The feed store and defiantly TSC and check to see if they
have any Save-A-Chick the also add to the water ...

Good luck with your chicks ...

yes they are Baby Chicks and they not American since they came from TSC they are Easter Egger Chicks. But the Chick is not drinking or eating its food so to be able to get the Save-A-Chick it would have to be pick up and given to it by me putting it Beak in the water or food.

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