I got my babies this morning!


14 Years
Feb 1, 2009
The post office called me this morning, in the middle of a snowstorm, (1-2 inches per hour) to tell me that my babies were waiting for me to pick them up. Of course, I was a half an hour away, and had to drive to the post office in a blinding snowstorm to get them. By the time I got there, I had peeled off my coat, vest and sweatshirt because it was about 150 degrees in the truck. I wanted to make sure that they would be warm enough! I ran them straight into the house, and had 8 that didn't make it. Three more have expired since then. Poor little babies. They had been squished by the others it looked like.

With the weather the way it was, I am thrilled with the ones that are now chirping up a storm and running around in their box. I have a little icu box set up in the bigger box for the weaker ones, and the two spraddle legged ones. I have put bandaids on their legs for support, so hopefully they will make it.
Of course, I had to come back to work, (working the snowstorm) and my dear daughter is home tending the flock, and updating me hourly.
There are so many babies that I am not sure what I lost, and what I have. I will be looking for your help identifying them when I post pictures tonight when I get home. I ordered Dominiques, Buff Orpingtons, Black Austrolorps and the Ornamental Layer Collection. There are also a couple of teeny Bantams in there?
I know that I got 3 or 4 turkens, and some EE's. They are all so darned cute! Can't wait to share pictures when I get home!
Wow! And I thought i was going to be confused with just the Ornamental Collection!
You've got your work cut out for you!
Have fun!!
And I know how you feel, mine got delivered today (Hubby on duty) and I am stuck at work.
Here are some pics of my new babies...If you all could help me out with who is who, I would really appreciate it!
Here is one of my little spraddle legs. I am working hard to fix her...

Here is an EE?

What is this?

One of my Turkens...

The ICU unit...the chicks who aren't doing well...

The brat pack.

Don't know what this one is either....

one more of the brat pack....

Aren't they cute?
Honestly though, I bought an order with a couple of friends, and can't wait for them to come and pick them up!
I don't know how I will part with the cuteness though!

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