I got turkeys!


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Sharpsburg, Georgia
My Coop
My Coop
Just picked up a couple of bronze breasted turkeys yesterday. The feed store had people there selling chickens, rabbits, turkeys, etc. They are about 5 weeks old and cost $10 each. They make these high pitched cheeping noises. I'm hoping to have the nerve to eat them at Thanksgiving.

I wanted a Tom and Jen, so the guy does the "string test". He swears by it. We'll see.

I have them in a separate coop until they get as big as the chickens. The chickens and goats are very curious.



The string test is where you hold a string with a weight on it (like a nail) over the chicken and if it swings back and forth it is male. If it swings in a circle it's female.

Just like the old days before ultrasounds, we would do that to pregnant woman. It was right 50% of the time!
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I have 5 turkeys which are my first and I too had visions of Thanksgiving feast in my mind when I bought them but I'm trying so hard to stick to my rule of not naming anything I plan to eat but it's getting so hard esp when they gather around me when I walk under the apple tree all due to the fact that me and my 5 year have figured out they LOVE summer apples (of course it's only my nature to cut chucks of apples for them and feed them by hand!!).
We have 6 adult turkeys and several younger ones. 2 of my toms will be for thanksgiving and Christmas. IT doesnt take long to figure out who will go when they chase the cars and poo on my DH truck, that is a death sentence right there. LOL But as far as naming them you just have to give them food names. We had 2 pigs we raised to butcher ans we named them ham and bacon. The kids understood right from the start. Jen

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