I got two hens for Christmas!


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
South Carolina
Here's a picture of my Christmas surprise. My husband surprised me with these two beautiful hens this morning.


My daughters had a hard time keeping the secret! We named the brown one Sadie and the white one Angel.
Merry Christmas everyone!
I don't know what breed they are. Probably mixed breeds. Tomorrow I will take them out and introduce them to the rest of the flock. They are in a cage in the garage tonight.
They're beautiful! What a nice gift! They look healthy, but actually, it's best to quarantine them for about three or four weeks to be absolutely certain they are not carriers of something that could harm your flock. They should be completely separated, not breathing the same air, so you can observe them, check them for lice, mites, etc. and make sure they don't suddenly come down with anything respiratory that could harm your other girls. I even recommend people do that who purchase birds from me, just to be safe.
Congrats on the new flock members! What a thoughtful DH you have!

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