I have 8 hens, Am I feeding them enough?

My barley!


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I have an all flock pellets available all the time with oyster shell on the side. If just hens then layer pellets are okay if they are laying. Otherwise give them all flock or grower feed.
Then I just toss a handful of scratch once a day with whatever scraps or sprouts you may be feeding.
They should primarily be eating the pellets unless they can free range a bit.
I currently have 11 and they eat about 50lbs a month.
They really do have complicated nutritional needs.

To balance their nutritional needs it really is easiest to buy a prepared commercial feed.

The 2 cups of scratch...... Is that each day?
If so that is a huge amount.
For 8 hens that are full size you should cut back to about 1/2 cup maximum on the scratch.
The sprouted barley is not nutritionally complete either. Its a great treat but not meeting their needs.

Reading up about fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome can help understand why to many treats are bad for chickens.
Welcome to BYC :)

Are you giving them chicken feed in addition? Do they eat everything, or is there some left by the next day?

Scratch is pretty high in fat and nutritionally unbalanced to use as more than a treat.
I’m assuming it’s chicken feed? It came with-them when I bought them. I just thought it was called scratch. I’ve only had them for two weeks. I feel like they eat all day long...

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