Howdy yal! I have a silkie that I believe is broody! Even if she isn’t, I want to have this thread as a reference.
So she is sitting on a bunch of fertile eggs. They are all her eggs. I know that they are fertile because she is bred at least once a day. None of them are marked so I know very little about them. If she is indeed broody, I plan to let her sit on all of them and we will see what happens! Here are my questions:
Should I move her to an empty coop so she can be alone? If yes, when?
Do I need to supply her with food and water in the coop?
How many chicks can an average silkie properly care for?
Please give me any other tips that yal think a newbie will need! Thank you
So she is sitting on a bunch of fertile eggs. They are all her eggs. I know that they are fertile because she is bred at least once a day. None of them are marked so I know very little about them. If she is indeed broody, I plan to let her sit on all of them and we will see what happens! Here are my questions:
Should I move her to an empty coop so she can be alone? If yes, when?
Do I need to supply her with food and water in the coop?
How many chicks can an average silkie properly care for?
Please give me any other tips that yal think a newbie will need! Thank you