So, I've been busy lately and fell behind on collecting eggs out of one of the nests. Yesterday I checked it and one of my RIR pullets was in there. I left her alone, thinking she was just going to lay an egg and leave. Later on, I saw her come out and I went inside for a brief moment to get a container to hold the eggs (there was probably a good dozen or more already in there of mix standard and bantam). I came back outside and ventured over to where the nest is and she's back on the eggs again, only this time she growled at me! I appolgized profusely and stepped away. As I did this, one of my dark cornish pullets came up and wanted to use the nest. The RIR told her where she could go lay an egg in a rather unpleasant manner. I just raised an eyebrow and slowly shook my head. I can only imagine her hatching out 2 dozen eggs of mixed babies, if I can keep the ants out of them.
This morning I checked on her and she was there sitting tight on those eggs.
This morning I checked on her and she was there sitting tight on those eggs.