I have a broody RIR!

Cuban Longtails

Flock Mistress
12 Years
Sep 20, 2007
Northeast Texas
So, I've been busy lately and fell behind on collecting eggs out of one of the nests. Yesterday I checked it and one of my RIR pullets was in there. I left her alone, thinking she was just going to lay an egg and leave. Later on, I saw her come out and I went inside for a brief moment to get a container to hold the eggs (there was probably a good dozen or more already in there of mix standard and bantam). I came back outside and ventured over to where the nest is and she's back on the eggs again, only this time she growled at me! I appolgized profusely and stepped away. As I did this, one of my dark cornish pullets came up and wanted to use the nest. The RIR told her where she could go lay an egg in a rather unpleasant manner. I just raised an eyebrow and slowly shook my head. I can only imagine her hatching out 2 dozen eggs of mixed babies, if I can keep the ants out of them.

This morning I checked on her and she was there sitting tight on those eggs.
Thats great just keep a eye on her, If she holds tight I would move her and her eggs to a safe place of her own and let her do her thing.
Good luck.
I had a RIR broody ( must be in the air here in OK ) that I had 11 eggs under I moved her 1 egg broke and she refused 5 of the other eggs but the 5 she kept when I moved her all 5 hatched. I have left them with her so far in the huge brooder in house. I just love it when she stands up and all the chicks fall down from under her wings.
Good luck! Don't forget to mark the eggs and check daily for unmarked eggs, else you'll end up with half developed chicks if another sneaks an egg in while broody is getting a drink.
SilkieChicken, that's true! I was thinking about that, but hadn't done the deed yet.

luvzmybabz, I love it when the chicks like to jump on mama's back and go for a ride!
I've tried to get pictures but it never works for me.
She ended up with 12 total, 6 brown and 6 white. I suspect the white ones are bantam, but I hope not. I did have to remove three (after candling - not easy!), plus one had either burst or was crushed on the nest. Ugh the smell! Then the darn bird pecked at my hand and busted a hole in one of the good ones when I was putting them back under her. :mad:

Anywho... they're due to hatch tomorrow (day 21!).
Well, not a one of the eggs hatched and I know they were viable because I candled them around day 14.
0% hatch rate out of 12 eggs.

Even broody hens get it wrong sometimes.

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