I have lost my mind!!! Yup, it's gone alright!!!!!


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
I have 13 5 week old babies. I have 6 under a week babies. I don't even really want any more chickens. Not now, I am moving in about a year and this will be challenging enough. I also have 6 BLRW eggs I gathered over the past 2 days. Hmmmm....sell them, eat them, give them away???? Oh, I know!!!!
I just plugged in the bator.

Seriously, I probably won't even keep them. I'll probably just give the chicks away. I just want to hatch them!!!! I think I am sick.
Remember Step 1 and admit you are powerless over hatching...

Want some quail eggs?


Alright, here goes:
My name is Christy. I am powerless over hatching.

Ahhh.....that was liberating. And true!!!! LOL

No quail yet, but boy have I wanted to try some!!!!

WHYYYYYYYYYYYY is it so addictive!!!!

I think I have already found a home for these, too.
I called my mother and told her what I was doing and I planned to get rid of them when they hatched. She started saying "Well, that is good, I am sure you can find homes for them. I kind of wanted some of those (read she has been frothing at the mouth) but I don't really want more chickens right now. Boy they are pretty. I wasn't wanting to start with a different age again...but it would be nice to have a few......." Yeah, alright, whatever. So Mom will be taking the babies off my hands!!! LOL

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