i have no idea what this is and might be to young to tell


10 Years
Oct 1, 2009
central ia
ok so my middle boy picked this 1 out.

Crow is its name. Crow was in with buff and red chicks all suppose to be pullets and is about 8 weeks old. well Crow is not a buff or a red so how about a girl.
What color are its feet? EE tend to have a green tinge to the legs and feet. The extra facial feathering tufts suggest EE to me. Does it have any wattle growth?
Cock A Doodle ROO that's not a pullet...sorry
the comb is way too red to be a pullet at that age also the ridges on the side of the comb are already showing up very well and red.Pullets also have the 3 ridges but won't really pop until closer to POL..it is an EE as well.Many EE's don't have the greenish legs..I don't think we have one here with them and we have them by the dozens as well as true Ameraucana's.
EE=cute beard,comb and body shape on this guy can't be a true Ameraucana because his color is wrong
It's a boy thing though be warned..my son will pick out roosters in day old chicks that all look alike..he's never been wrong yet so be careful letting your son pick out chicks

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