I have to tell you


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
You people on this forum are just about the best bunch of people I have ever met. The information, support and humor as SOOOO appreciated. But the rallying around in times of need are exceptional. THANK YOU! Even to the person who spanked me for disagreeing!
I'm sooo glad you're out there! And I promise not to spank you unless it's absolutely necessary. Everyone here is absolutely fabulous, I heartily agree.
I know I can't get over how helpful people are on this forum. When we first got chickens DH joined another forum. he didnt lst long as before long it became apparent that most of the members where very very old school and set in their ways. it was there way or no way. he can't understnd why I spend time on here and talk about it all the time.I think he thinks its a girl thing. I try to tell him there plenty of men on here too.
I think the person that spanked me took something I said personally and I did not mean it that way, but reading back I can see how it was taken that way. Which is why I never indulged in an argument. That person had a right to spank me. Seriously though, I have never participated in a forum where everyone was so AWESOMELY AWESOME.
awesome! and about the disagreeing, we can all agree to disagree, that is the beauty of a forum.

we ask for peoples OPINIONS and that's what they give. for the most part, most of us leave it. how nice!

deb...i hope things are getting lighter at your home!
Yay! Congratulations! Hugs, pat-on-the-back and enjoy it. You've started down a tough road, but that first step is the hardest. Remember to hug everyone -- best reward in the world, and it gives back immediately.

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