I have TWO call ducklings left for sale in WI!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 6, 2010
Columbus, WI
Two ducklings left...they are one week old. According to the color calculator they should end up blue, but they look pied as well. $15 ea. They were raised naturally with their mom. Please contact me privately for more info! Thanks, Karen
Hi Karen!

I have one of their siblings that I picked up on Wednesday, now best friends with my solo-hatch Runner:

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AWW! Thanks for posting the picture! I am new to this forum...how did you attach the pic? They duckies look beautiful together! I am so glad they found a nice home with you. Karen
To upload pictures, you can click on the little "Uploads" button on the top menu of the site, upload the picture to there (or you could upload to photobucket, or flickr), and then you have to copy and paste the image code into the post.

So, the link for the picture, after you upload it, goes in between this code:

It's a little complicated. I hate working with HTML codes - I even took a HTML class in high school (and failed it!
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There was a post sunday at 1:53pm on the duck message board here titled "Call Duck Color Calculator". It's really a neat link! Good Luck! Karen

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