Ok I recently got an old english game bantam roo from this guy and he gave me a hen with him to.I noticed that the hen was extremly old becouse she had spurs and has some issues with her head.But I love my roo becouse he hasnt even tried to mate with her(dont call me crazy)becouse she is soo old and it would probly hurt her.He lets me pick her up and him.He is very gentle and always shows her where the food is and always lets her have the tomatoe that I throw in the pen.When I let my corgi out today she went to investigate them and you should of seen him!!He started making these threatning noises and puffed himself up and started hop-skipping to my dog.She was so afraid of him and ran away
.When I brought my chicks out today and showed him he started strutting like a proud rooster.I just know he will be an awseom roo to all my hens