DH & I took off for a while on Monday. Of course he brought the laptop so he could keep up with business....
and I could keep up on BYC.
And after reading about PC and his tragedy about his encounter with MG and the chickens he had to cull...OMG....Since I've been away, I've had bad dreams about my chickens.....and I miss them!
Is this bad? I want to go home and hug my chooks. I want to know they are OK even though I know they are. (my sister is taking care of them, and she's my twin and knows about my animals) I feel like such a ninny for wanting to be home and taking care of them. I enjoy saying good morning to them and asking how they are and throwing a little "crack" they're way - gosh, they get so excited!
I have babies - 12 weeks old now and the big girls too. Gosh I miss them! What makes it worse, the weather has been bad and we're at the beach, cold, cloudy and windy.....we always have fun anyway - no matter! But the chooks have been on my mind!
Just had to let that out.....feel a wee bit better now.
Looking forward to seeing them in a few days....
OK here's where the sickness comes in: wherever we went & there was a chicken reference, I'd be like, aww chickens, remember so & so did this or that? DH would be humouring me......
I guess I'm more of a homebody than I thought. Hey, the best little vacations are when you had some fun but can't wait to come home.....

And after reading about PC and his tragedy about his encounter with MG and the chickens he had to cull...OMG....Since I've been away, I've had bad dreams about my chickens.....and I miss them!
Is this bad? I want to go home and hug my chooks. I want to know they are OK even though I know they are. (my sister is taking care of them, and she's my twin and knows about my animals) I feel like such a ninny for wanting to be home and taking care of them. I enjoy saying good morning to them and asking how they are and throwing a little "crack" they're way - gosh, they get so excited!
I have babies - 12 weeks old now and the big girls too. Gosh I miss them! What makes it worse, the weather has been bad and we're at the beach, cold, cloudy and windy.....we always have fun anyway - no matter! But the chooks have been on my mind!
Just had to let that out.....feel a wee bit better now.

OK here's where the sickness comes in: wherever we went & there was a chicken reference, I'd be like, aww chickens, remember so & so did this or that? DH would be humouring me......