I moved my 4 wk. old chicks outside to coop & it turned cold!

Mar 5, 2018
Middle South Carolina
We've had nice weather here in SC. I had baby chicks that I ordered inside my house. What a mess! I had to get them out! My sister and I frantically built a "shabby shack" coop with only a heat type lamp with a 75W bulb for warmth. Needless to say, the coop has some cracks here & there. Last night the wind was up to 25 mph & temp was 39. They survived, but my question is, can I put an electric heater inside a large bird cage inside the coop for some more heat? Wind is still up to 20 mph today & temp is 49; to drop to 33 tonight and for the next few days. Please....I need your advice!!
At 4 weeks I would still be running a heat lamp suspended from the ceiling at about 2-3 feet up with a 125 watt heat bulb at night, and during the day if necessary.
No, you don't need to do more. By the time they are 4 - 5 weeks old, they should be fine. My chicks are brooded outside with a MHP brooder. They wean themselves off heat by the time they are 4 - 5 weeks old. at that time, temps are down to low 30's at night. Day time temps vary 50 - 70. They are wearing down coats, and they will cuddle together. If you are concerned, give them a huddle box.
At 4 weeks I would still be running a heat lamp suspended from the ceiling at about 2-3 feet up with a 125 watt heat bulb at night, and during the day if necessary.
No, you don't need to do more. By the time they are 4 - 5 weeks old, they should be fine. My chicks are brooded outside with a MHP brooder. They wean themselves off heat by the time they are 4 - 5 weeks old. at that time, temps are down to low 30's at night. Day time temps vary 50 - 70. They are wearing down coats, and they will cuddle together. If you are concerned, give them a huddle box.
YVW! BTW, it's perfectly normal for them to scream like they are being killed the first few nites you put them in the coop. And if they are used to a heat lamp, they are terrified of the dark!
Mine are out in the coop. Because I have adults, they are in a large wire dogcrate, no huddle box (they didn't use it), but I have put a couple of old dog bed fleeces over it the last couple of nights when the temps were in the high 20's, low 30's with rain/snow mix.
Just make sure they are dry and have dry bedding. Wet and cold leads to death. Dry and cold is ok cause they wear down jackets.

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