I need a chick!


Scribe of Brahmalot
12 Years
May 18, 2009
I can't believe I'm sitting here trying to work with this little Petunia on my desk! She was the only chick to hatch when my broody abandoned her nest. All the eggs were stone cold. I candled them and this was the only one with movement, so I put it back under the broody, who had moved to a different nest box. Well, the next morning, I found this little guy/girl hatched, again stone cold and screaming, with the mama back in another nest box!

Now here I sit, mama to a lonely little Petunia. She sits on my desk, mostly in her little box, while I'm working. She will jump out and climb over my keyboard to my lap, and I will wrap the a corner of my shirt over her and she will sleep a while, making little contented peeping noises. I'm going to have to go to the feed store and see if I can find her a friend - needless to say, I'm not getting a lot of work done!

She/he's a partridge Brahma. I have other eggs in the incubator, but nothing close to hatching. I'll be checking Craig's list after work today. Right now she's fast asleep wrapped up in the corner of my shirt on my lap and I'm trying not to squash her while I type!
Out of 14 eggs, I hatched an only Ancona chick - "AC" 2 weeks ago today. I quickly got busy trying to find her a brooder mate & finally got two 3 day old chicks for her on her 3rd day after contacting a bunch of different sources. Our local Tractor Supply stores only carry chicks during the spring - so looks like I'll be visiting those stores come March. Hope you find some mates for her soon.

AC is the black/white one standing on the digital thermometer.
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aww she's so sweet
I really hope the other eggs hatch so she/he can have companionship. chicks can get really lonely. Craig's list is so helpful!! Good luck!
Good luck. I wasn't able to find a friend for my single chick. I feel bad for him, but did try to spend a lot of time with him when he was younger. I gave him a towel to snuggle with and kept his heat lamp on even when he may not have needed it.
I tried looking all over for a friend, short of making a 4 hour round trip drive. But a lot of the farms around me didn't want me taking a free range chick and then sticking it in a box. Which I guess is good in a way that they care about their animals, but not good for me. And our Tractor supply also only does the chicks in spring.
I almost had to do the towel/mirror thing with AC. Thankfully, my brooder mates came from an eBay source who only sells hatching eggs. On a whim I contacted her, explained my predicament and asked if she would be willing to sell me two chicks. All the Craigslisters were either way too far away or had too old of chicks to be good mates. She doesn't sell chicks, but she was willing to make an exception as she understood completely. So I drove less then an hour to meet with her and got two chicks. At first I worried that AC wouldn't accept them - by this point they were all 3 days old and none of them had been together before. But, after a few days of pecking and rushing - all 3 settled into a good social order and seem to have bonded well. They'll be moving outside in another week to be with my now 5wk old White Leghorns - we'll see how well that goes! LOL!

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