I need help assessing breed / gender


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
Hampton, New York
Tractor Supply had Red Pullets which are now 7 weeks old (we got three), Black Pullets (got three), and Jersey Giants Pullets (We got three) - not sure if they were accurately sexed as two look like roosters - but we are totally new to the Chicken Game.

Pullet? Breed?

Roo? Breed?

Breed? Pullet?
Pullet? Breed?

Roo? Jersey Giant?

Red Sex Link?

I also have 7 two year old hens of which two I couldn't identify.

Is the black one a Jersey Giant or Austroplorp ?
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To me it looks like the two you labeled as possible roos are roos. Mainly because of the comb and wattles. The rest look feminine.

I'm not going to guess breed.
Your guesses are what I would guess. For the last one, you are going to have to look at the bird's feet and legs. If the bottom of it's feet are white/pink, it's an Australorp. If the bottoms are yellow, it's a Giant.

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