I love my chickens and my coop, completely impossible for any predators to get in, but I absolutely hate the setup of it. As of right now I have two wonderful Dark Cornish chickens (Of course I'd like to get more.
). One hen and one rooster. I have a 50 pound feeder that has lasted me 5 years and I don't plan on getting rid of it. I have one red one gallon plastic waterer that I cannot stand and two smaller 2 pound feeders for the grit and oyster shell. They tend to tip the waterer over spilling everything and they have cracked both of the small feeders. Winter is coming quick and in Wisconsin I can't have them dumping the water and it freezing under them. So my question is, is there a more efficient watering system, DIY or store bought, I don't care. Maybe something that will hold more water and won't get so messy. A mechanism that makes it impossible for my rooster to be a rooster and tip it over? Thank you so much for the help!!!