I saw a cute pond I liked in the pond thread...


10 Years
May 6, 2009
But, man those liner things are expensive! is there anything else that works well that isn't as expensive? or should I just get a kiddie pool? I wanted them to be able to swim under water since they really love doing that so much, and a kiddie pool isn't exactly deep enough, plus a kiddie pool is hard to empty. I would want something more raised off the ground so that I could easily drain it with a hose into my garden. the one I saw was with pallets and raised above ground.
I'm trying to do this thrifty. like under $25 if I can. someone told me I could line it with cement. perhaps if I used some thin plastic for the mould, then spread the cement over the plastic? Hmmmm...
just something above ground, that I can drain down to my garden. I don't want to deal with flipping pools and bailing out water etc. I want something big enough and above the ground so gravity can move the water to the garden, and a little big deep so they can dive :) like a bath tub. can't find one of those used, darn it.
I suppose I 'could' do that... if I raised it up on a couple of pallets.. however, they still wouldn't be able to dive. they just love doing that so much. if I can't figure out a solution though, I suppose the pool option would work if I put the fitting.
Try the bigger pool and put a drain in. I used this until I built the duck pond

They were able to dive and each time I refilled (every 3-4 days) they went nuts with diving.
It did have a drain as I wasn't going to try to dump that sucker!
oooh! I like that one. where'd you find it? I looked at toys r us a little while ago, and they didn't have any big ones. they did have a small one that seemed to be a bit deeper than the others though.

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