I think I know their sex


8 Years
Mar 29, 2015
I think these 2 are cockerels.


I think the white chick is a pullet

I believe this is a cockerel


The white one in the back I believe is a pullet. I was hoping for more girls but will home 2 of my boys is I am correct and add 2 new girls. What are your thoughts on their sex. They are Easter eggers
The two birds in your top pic are both cockerels and the white bird in the second pic (front and center) is a pullet. I can't get your link to open to take a look at that one. Can you get a better shot of the white bird in the bottom pic? I'm thinking pullet but the comb is so blurry, even when I enlarge the pic, that I cannot see it well enough to be sure.
The two birds in your top pic are both cockerels and the white bird in the second pic (front and center) is a pullet. I can't get your link to open to take a look at that one. Can you get a better shot of the white bird in the bottom pic? I'm thinking pullet but the comb is so blurry, even when I enlarge the pic, that I cannot see it well enough to be sure.
Now I hope to find a couple or blue americauna hens to replace my 2 extra cockerels with

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