I think my chickens are telepathic....


12 Years
Feb 15, 2008
I think my chickens are telepathic. Really. I do. I can see their coop from my kitchen window and back door. Even before I touch the door to go out and up to their coop with treats, they come running from the yard, the coop, or the pen to wait for me by the gate. They free range when I am home, and I swear they are tuning into my mind....and start to gather before I even leave the house. I don't have a routine....it's kinda bizarre.

I have read and believe the stories about dogs and cats tuning into their humans, and knowing when they are coming home, but do you think chickens can do that too?

Are you sure they're reading your thoughts? Maybe they are using mind control to make you do their bidding.
Mine do the same thing. We look out the window and don't see a one, but as soon as we are in the yard they are lined up at the fence watching.
You can't even SEE the back door from the coop area, and the minute I step out with treats, I hear "BUCK!!" from Bianca echo over the whole yard. This is her "ohmigod, it's treats coming!" alert to everyone.

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