I think my chicks are bored


11 Years
Apr 27, 2008
Winterset Iowa
So I got 5 chicks on friday and I think they are bored all they do is dig and pick the side of the tub they are in is there anything I can do or put in there to inter-tan them , also they are 2 weeks old , how much can you handle them .
2 Buff -Orpington
2 Black -Sex-Links
1 Easter Egger

The Newbie
You can handle this as much as you want just make sure you are holding them in a draft-free place and that they are not too cold.

I have heard the balls with bells in them for cats amuse them. You can put a small container of soil from outside in there and let them scratch in it.

There scratching is not boredom as much as it is a natural instinct to scratch and dig up roots and bugs. They are practicing and learning how to be big girls.
Ok so thank you guys for the reply .
I put 2 roosts in and got them a ball with a bell in it , It's like the 5 of them are playing soccer now .

Thanks again
The Newbie
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