I Think My Lady Amherst Cock Is Trying To Breed With My Chickens!!!

Show Me Chick

9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
I keep catching him displaying and trying to get up on my hens. I swear he think he's a chicken. Do you all think my chickens will let him do the deed? Has anyone hatched a cross like this? Would the chicks be sterile like a mule? Any info would be appreciated.
As soon as I buy a incubator I will try and see if they are fertile.

pookiegoldman, thanks for the link!!!
Wouldn't it be cool if some ended up fertile.

When I was a kid we had a wheaten OEGB hen that hatched some Ringneck crosses. They were weird looking!

I never saw them make it to adulthood. I think a skunk or civet cat ended up getting them.

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