I think one of my chicks is a rooster?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
My chickens are currently 3 weeks old today. I noticed one of them is developing slower than the others. He/she is not growing as fast as the others and is not developing many feathers. He has a humungous comb on the top of his head. They were all supposed to be pullets but I am doubting this one.

Any Help?
This is the one believed to be a cockerel.

The hen is on the left and the believed cockerel is on the right. He is much smaller than the hen.

He is not as feathered as the other chicks.

Here is his crown which is way bigger than the hens crowns which you can barely see.

This is the hen and you can obviously NOT see any crown.

The rooster

The Hen.

A close-up of the believed roosters crown
I heard that roosters are supposed to mature faster than hens. This rooster is way smaller than its hens but drinks and eats regularly. Any help?
Is he/she just growing a crown faster than the others?
They are Plymouth White Rocks. I couldn't find that much information on the development of them.

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