I think our chickens are mutants!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 24, 2014
We have this flock of White Chanteclers that, thanks to a rookie mistake on our part, got infected with some respiratory infection when we introduced 7 new hens without quarantine. Long story short, trying to find the most humane way to end their lives, we decided to gas them. We figure they fall asleep, they pass away in their sleep. Over 2hrs later they were still alive AND awake ! So today, hubby did what he had to do and wrung 20 little necks :(. Well guess what? Our big rooster is still alive and kicking. I saw my husband, who is not a weakling, twist that rooster's neck around. Then dropped it on the ground in the snow. The bird was not moving!! And there seems to be another hen at least still alive. I think we may have a bunch of mutants on our hands lol. At least we know they are a tough breed, that's the only silver lining ;).
gas them with what? i think the most humane way to end a chickens life is to make sure its dead the first time. fast and quick. i use my hatchet. you will have to wait a while, not sure how long , before getting more chickens and disinfect your coop . i am sorry for your loss
With C02. Yes we were talking to our vet and she says to disinfect and wait at least a month before starting again. Thanks granny. Like we said before, live and learn.
With C02. Yes we were talking to our vet and she says to disinfect and wait at least a month before starting again. Thanks granny. Like we said before, live and learn.

Sorry for you losses. Tough lesson learned. It's always best to quarantine new birds for 6 weeks as far away from your existing birds as possible. There are some diseases such as Infectious Bronchitis (IB) that go airborne a good distance. Respiratory diseases can be transmitted via clothing, shoes, your hands etc...if you attend chicken swap meets or shows, keep biosecurity in mind.
I've used a .22 bullet to the head in chickens; it's quick, easy, and painless.
Granny, now I know where your user name "hatchet" came from! (Gulp)
Like Granny I have used a hatchet, sending mine to her needs sharpening. Other method I have used is pinning the chicken to my left side feet in my left hand, right hand grabbing right behind head and a sharp quick tug away from chicken snap neck spinal cord.
Thanks everyone. Yes we will know better now. Trying to find a good Chantecler breeder in Canada, and hoping to buy one big batch and leaving it at that.
Like Granny I have used a hatchet, sending mine to her needs sharpening. Other method I have used is pinning the chicken to my left side feet in my left hand, right hand grabbing right behind head and a sharp quick tug away from chicken snap neck spinal cord.
lol, i bought my son a sharpener for Christmas.
little did he know he would have to work. hahahah

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